Rillette Tartare with
Crisp Veggies
serves 4
300 g (9 oz) of rillettes
1 stalk of celery
1 big carrot
20 large radishes
2 white mushrooms
50 ml (3 ½ tbsp.) olive oil
30 ml (2 tbsp.) Sherry vinegar
Salt, freshly ground pepper
1 sesame seed bun
Wash the vegetables. Cut the radishes into small pieces, mix them together in a bowl with half the olive oil and vinegar, a bit of salt and pepper.
Destring the celery stalk and peel the carrot. Cut these vegetables into julienne strips. Mince the mushrooms. Mix everything in a bowl with the remainder of the oil and vinegar. Season with salt and pepper.
With a cookie cutter, make your tartare: over a bed of radishes, place a layer of rillette and press it in using the back of a spoon. Add the julienned carrot and celery, and the mushrooms. Put the tartare in the refrigerator.
Meanwhile, cut the bun into thin slices and brown them under the broiler.
Serve the tartare chilled with the grilled bun.