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Tartare de rillettes aux petits le¦ügumes croquants HD.jpg

Rillette Tartare with
Crisp Veggies

serves 4



  • 300 g (9 oz) of rillettes

  • 1 stalk of celery

  • 1 big carrot

  • 20 large radishes

  • 2 white mushrooms

  • 50 ml (3 ½ tbsp.) olive oil

  • 30 ml (2 tbsp.) Sherry vinegar

  • Salt, freshly ground pepper

  • 1 sesame seed bun


  • Wash the vegetables. Cut the radishes into small pieces, mix them together in a bowl with half the olive oil and vinegar, a bit of salt and pepper.

  • Destring the celery stalk and peel the carrot. Cut these vegetables into julienne strips. Mince the mushrooms. Mix everything in a bowl with the remainder of the oil and vinegar. Season with salt and pepper.

  • With a cookie cutter, make your tartare: over a bed of radishes, place a layer of rillette and press it in using the back of a spoon. Add the julienned carrot and celery, and the mushrooms. Put the tartare in the refrigerator.

  • Meanwhile, cut the bun into thin slices and brown them under the broiler.

  • Serve the tartare chilled with the grilled bun.

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