Spring Buddha Bowls with
Bayonne Ham PGI
serves 4
* Dressing
30 ml (2 tbsp.) soy sauce
60 ml (¼ cup) toasted sesame oil
15 ml (1 tbsp.) fresh chives, chopped
Freshly ground pepper
* Bowls
1 L (4 cups) brown rice or spelt, cooked
16 cherry tomatoes, halved
250 ml (1 cup) baby spinach
2 Lebanese cucumbers, thinly sliced
2 pink grapefruits, supremed
250 ml (1 cup) Chinese cabbage, thinly sliced
Flesh of 2 avocados, chopped
8 thin slices of Bayonne ham PGI
125 ml (½ cup) walnuts, roasted and crushed
* Dressing
In a bowl, stir all the dressing ingredients together with a whisk. Add pepper. Set aside.
* Bowls
Divide the rice among bowls and place the tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, grapefruit segments, cabbage and avocado side by side.
Garnish with Bayonne ham PGI and sprinkle with walnuts. Drizzle with dressing.