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Marbled Blood Sausage with Pears, Orange Blossom & Walnuts.jpg

Marbled Blood Sausage with Pears, Orange Blossom & Walnuts


  • 1 kg (2,2 lb) of boudin noir (blood sausages), cut into 5 cm (2 in) strips

  • 2 pears

  • Zest and juice of 2 oranges

  • 8 leaves of gelatin, softened in cold water

  • 30 ml (2 tbsp.) orange blossom water

  • 100 g (1 7/8 cup) crushed walnut kernels

  • Chutney

  • Lettuce leaves


  • Peel the pears, pare and cut them into 0,5 cm (¼ po) cubes.

  • Pour the orange juice into a saucepan, add the orange zest, pears and enough water to get about 1 L (4 cups) of mixture. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes, then add the softened gelatin and the orange blossom water.

  • Pan-fry the boudin slices for 3 minutes on each side and sponge them dry with paper towels. Line the verrine glasses with fruit compote, then place the boudin slices. Repeat this process to obtain a marbled effect. Finish with the crushed walnuts. Apply pressure to it all with a weight. Refrigerate overnight. Serve with grilled bread and chutney.

  • The marbled blood sausage can also be served alongside a few salad leaves.

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