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Dry-Cured Ham

Dry-cured ham consists of meat cuts from the hind leg of a salted and dried pig. The differing flavours and colours of dry-cured hams are attributable to each particular pig’s breed, diet as well as the way the meat has been salted, dried, eventually smoked and then aged.


  • Bayonne Ham PGI

  • Lacaune Ham PGI

  • Savoie Ham PGI

  • Noir de Bigorre Ham PDO

  • Basque Kintoa Ham PDO


Cured ham stands strong as the emblem of “appetizers”, best savoured with a good glass of wine. Using a sharp knife, it can be cut into thin and translucent shavings. Served raw during cocktail hour, as an appetizer, as part of a crudité platter but also with cheese, cured ham makes for an exquisite match with many ingredients.

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